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18. Write client & server programs in c for connection oriented communication between server & client process using unix domain sockets to perform the following: client process sends a message to the server, the server receives the message, reverses it & send it back to the client.The client will then display the message to the standard output device.
#include< stdio.h >
#include < sysun.h >
JNTU Kakinada
Certification Course In C Programming
b) Write a C program to reverse the first n characters in a file.
a) Write a C program which copies one file to another.
2. Write a program perform matrix multiplication between two matrices.
1. Write a program that uses the binary search algorithm to find out the position where the given key element exist in a user chosen array and print it as output
2.Write a program to read and display values of an integer array. Allocate space dynamically for the array using the malloc().
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Certification Course In Data Structures (DS) Programming
2.Write a Program to Implement the Operations of Double Linked Lists
2) write a program to implement queue operations using arrays.
1.Write a program to implement stack operation using arrays...
Insertion sort
1.Write a Program to Implement the Binary Search Tree Operations.
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Certification Course In Advanced C Programming
Write a program for data structure for student marks with union ?
Write a function for string copy ?
What is the output of the program ?
What is the output of the program ?
Is the program correct ?
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Certification Course In Unix / Linux (OS) Programming
Write client & server programs in c for connection oriented communication between server & client process using unix domain sockets to perform the following: client process sends a message to the server, the server receives the message, reverses it & send it back to the client.The client will then display the message to the standard output device.
Write a c program (receiver.c) that receives the messages (from the above message queue) & display them.
Write a c program(sender.c) to create a message queue with read and write permissions to write 3 messages to it with different priorities.
13. Write a c program that illustrates communication between 2 unrelated processes using named pipe(fifo).
Write a c program in which a parent writes a message to a pipe & the child reads the message
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Certification Course In 8051 Programming
Write a c program to blink 8 LED s connected with 8051 Micro Controller?
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Certification Course In ARM Programming
Write a c program to blink 8 LED s connected with ARM(LPC2148) Controller?
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Certification Course In TCP/IP Programming
Write config commands Access control lists for deny command policy for https, permit policy for http and deny policy for ssh ?
What are the components of UTM ?
What is IpSec and how it protect IP packet ?
Explain about Vulnerable Services, attacks and how to protect with Firewall ?
Explain about Switching methods and Spanning Tree Protocol ?
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Certification Course In Kernel Programming
Explain with example code for message que implementation in Linux ?
Explain with example for Device Driver IOCTL interface implementation ?
What is Kernel? Explain the task it performs.
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Certification Course In Shell Programming
write a shell script that creates users.
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Certification Course In C++ Programming
write a cpp program to find factorial of a given number?
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